
It's Wednesday so that means it's time for another sketch challenge over at
Sweet Sketch Wednesday. This week we are sponsored by
Sassy Cheryl.
I love Cheryl's designs; this week I'm using her
Flat Bottom Snowy. Isn't he a cutie? I have a thing for snowmen, probably from growing up in Arizona, the land of no way jose for Snowman. I build them all the time now that I'm in snowy Colorado. OK, honesty check, I send my kids outside to make them while I drink my coffee. But I DO love them. Sassy Cheryl has a bunch to choose from in her shop.

Sally's sketch this week is a fun too. Making it was a little like putting a puzzle together! Your prize this week is a $5.00 gift certificate to use in the Sassy Cheryl shop! Cool beans! Don't forget to comment so that you are eligible for that prize.
Here's a bit more about Cheryl and her shop:
Hi everyone! Sassy Cheryl here and I’m
so happy to be sponsoring the Sweet Sketch Wednesday challenge this
I have been creating graphics and have
licensed my work to companies such as Kohl's, Hobby Lobby and Shopko,
among others, for over eight years. I started creating digital images
about twelve years ago. I absolutely LOVE to draw and always carry a
small sketchbook for those times when a bit of inspiration hits.
It's been a lifelong dream to become a working artist, and besides
deadlines, I LOVE everything about what I do! It really helps that I
have a very supportive husband and son (they also can be my biggest
Through the digis I create, I’ve met
so many wonderful, talented ladies. The projects they make using my
images makes it all worth it. ‘Can’t wait to see what you will
create with my Sassy images."