Have you ever lost something and then in the process of trying to find that thing, find a million other really cool things? Yeah me neither (insert smirk). I KNEW that I had printed the Gerda Steiner image of the month but when it came time to use it ... couldn't find it!

Yes, I could of printed another copy but it was time to clean. Frankly, my creative space can get pretty cluttered when I'm trying to bang out a month of required cards in just a few days.
Anywho, I found THIS stamp from
Wild Rose Studios that I bought sometime last year after a friend gave me two of their images. Once I used it, I knew that I had to own it.
The other good news is that I FOUND my
Gerda Steiner image sometime during my great paper purge.
Using this image on a project allows me to qualify for next month's freebie. I decided to join in the fun over on the
Tuesday Morning Sketches site.