I have NOT had the best day today.
While rushing out the door this morning, I thought that I would save time and hit two buttons at one time: the garage door and the automated open for the SUV's back. It didn't occur to me that Explorer's door might open faster and get caught in the garage door ... making a horrible metallic screeching sound and grinding EVERYTHING to a halt ... halfway up. Yikes.
After the humiliating call to the hubby telling him that I "broke the house," we DID get everything separated again. The Ford has a bit of a scratch but the garage door has a serious dent. That bad boy will cost us some money to fix!! ((Sigh))
So to cheer myself up, I went down to the basement to hang my head in shame (and work on a card) I'm using the
From the Heart Progressive Challenge image. Here she is (and yes, you can tell she's a she because of her pink glittery collar):
Digging Dog. Remember, if you play along each month, you will get the next image emailed to you for free!
Oh, I'm using the FTH sketch too. It was cute.